Blackfeet Tribe Seeks Permanent Protections for Badger-Two Medicine! — Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance

Blackfeet Tribe Seeks Permanent Protections for Badger-Two Medicine!

On the heels of last week’s oil and gas victory comes an exciting new development that will permanently protect the Badger-Two Medicine once and for all! Read all about it in today’s Hungry Horse News.  Here is more perspective from our Executive Director, Peter Metcalf:   

“Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance is excited to express our support for the Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act and are grateful to have worked with Blackfeet and so many other Montanans in its development. This proposal provides strong protections for our world-class wildlife habitat and our clean, free, flowing rivers. It guarantees public access for hiking, horseback riding, hunting and fishing, and it ensures the Blackfeet Tribe has a stronger voice in the management of their sacred lands. In short, it’s a proposal that is good for the land, good for Blackfeet, and good for our kids. We applaud the Blackfeet Tribe for their leadership in crafting this unifying vision and look forward to helping secure the support of our entire Congressional delegation to move it across the finish line.”

Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance will follow-up soon with more information about this exciting development and discuss ways our members and supporters can get involved. Stay tuned!

Read the complete press release from the Blackfeet Nation here.

Read the Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act here.
