UPDATE: Revised Forest Plan Released May 20th
Objections Due July 20th
Shooting Star and the mountains of the Badger-Two Medicine. The revised forest plan will direct management of the area for the next 20 - 30 years. (Photo: Cherie Show)
Learn more about our take on the new plan and how you can help make it the best possible plan for the Badger-Two Medicine, wildlife, and backcountry recreation, on our blog!
For more background on the plan and its significance, keep reading.
Charting A Course for the Badger’s Future
The Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest is expected to complete the revision of its forest management plan by late spring 2020. The forest currently operates under two management plans (one for the former Helena National Forest and one for the former Lewis and Clark National Forest), both of which were completed in 1986 and are sorely outdated. Once completed, the revised plan will guide how the Forest Service manages the entire 2.85 million acre forest for the next twenty to thirty years.
The forest plan revision process is our chance to establish standards and guidelines for how the US Forest Service will manage the Badger for decades to come. (Photo: Tony Bynum/Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance)
Although forest planning may seem a bit tedious or overly technical at times, a good plan is essential to effective management and conservation of the forest. And public participation is essential to a good plan! The Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance has been fully involved throughout the public participation process to ensure the revised plan will protect the land, the water, and the wildlife of the Badger-Two Medicine area. Specifically, we think the revised plan should manage the Badger-Two Medicine to:
Conserve our natural heritage—including wildlife habitat for big game and sensitive species and water quality—by limiting the eligible timber base and prohibiting new road development;
Protect the integrity and attributes of the Badger-Two Medicine Traditional Cultural District;
Maintain secure, core grizzly bear habitat;
Restrict the use of motorized and mechanized vehicles to protect Blackfeet cultural resources, wildlife, wilderness character, and traditional recreation;
Manage the area so current and future generations can continue to enjoy high-quality, traditional recreation opportunities either on foot or on horseback;
Manage all eligible wild and scenic rivers and streams in a free-flowing condition;
Establish a framework for enhanced cooperation between the Forest Service and the Blackfeet Nation in the future management of the Badger-Two Medicine area.
The South Fork Two Medicine River, one of the eligible wild and scenic river segments the revised forest plan should protect in a free-flowing state. (Photo: Peter Metcalf/Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance)
THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments. Although not always the most glamorous, forest planning is where citizens like us can make a huge difference for the Badger, for wildlife, and for wildland recreation for years to come.
How Can I Help?
Even though public comment has ended, your help is still needed to ensure the Forest Service releases an ecologically-sound management plan. You can:
Sign-up for our email list to receive alerts and calls-to-action on the forthcoming plan;
Familiarize yourself with the draft forest plan and draft environmental impact statement (released in June, 2018), along with our comments;
Attend a public hearing once the plan is released (we will hold one in East Glacier);
Make a donation to Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance to support our forest plan revision work.
Related Information
Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance supports Great American Outdoors Act priority funding for the “Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and Adjacent Lands” deferred trail maintenance project. Read our comments here.
Horseback riding and stock trips are a popular, traditional use in the Badger-Two Medicine area. The revised forest plan should manage the area to ensure future generations will enjoy this treasured part of our outdoor heritage. (Photo: Peter Metcalf/Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance)