Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, or just wished they could have been there.
Photos by April Espinoza except photo of Lou burning the stake by Gene Sentz, photo of Tim Preso courtesy of Earthjustice, photo of “No Solenex” glasses by Gerry Jennings.
The look on President Gina Rink’s face perfectly captures the excitement of this year’s Fall Gathering: We did it! No more oil and gas leases in the Badger-Two Medicine. The Gathering energized us to keep working for a brighter future for the land, wildlife and communities in the Badger-Two Medicine and throughout the northeastern Crown of the Continent ecosystem! Thanks for being a part of this community-based effort!
Thank you to our fantastic speakers!!!
Author and photographer Stephen Legault kicked off the Gathering Friday night with stirring images and reflections on the landscapes of the northern Rockies, as well as lessons learned in the Badger campaign.
Terry Tatsey and Carol Murray, brother and sister and ardent defenders and users of the Badger-Two Medicine, treated us to amazing stories of their deep personal and familial connection to the area forged over generations.
Journalist Hal Herring provided a stirring talk about the urgent, critical work to protect public lands and wildlife in a healthy, natural condition in face of great pressure from development, privatization, and climate change.
Danielle Antelope, executive director of FAST Blackfeet, discussed efforts to improve food security, nutrition, and access to traditional foods for the Blackfeet Nation.
Ryan Running Crane discusses the Blackfeet reintroduction of bison into the Chief Mountain area along with his role in the program as a cultural guardian with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office.
Founding member Joe Jessepe recalls stories of the early fight, including how GTMA won successful appeals by showing drilling would harm grizzly bears.
Dan Carney provided instruction on how to behave around grizzly bears as well as the proper use of bear spray as a deterrent.
Badger-Two Medicine Defender Award Recipients
John Murray, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Tim Preso, lead attorney, Earthjustice
A Wonderful Gathering of People
Some of the founding members of Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance (R - L) Harriet Marble, Elaine Sedlack, Joe Jessepe, Lou Bruno, Ed DesRosier, and John Schmid, with Executive Director and the second generation leader Dylan DesRosier. Still at after all these years!
Lease Retirement Ceremony: So Long Solenex!
The Rawhide Singers Paul Old Chief and Arlan Edwards sang the late Chief Earl Old Person’s Badger-Two Medicine song, plus a Blackfeet victory song, a perfect way to kick off the ceremony.
John Murray tosses the lease and permit to drill in the fire, the only energy to come out of these documents!
Celebrants burned stakes symbolically representing the drill site, some of whom added personal messages.
Lou Bruno burned a stake that he had pilfered years ago from the drill site. The burning ceremony was a huge emotional release that brought many tears of joy at the accomplishment.
Heath Nero, Wyss Foundation, shared how personally important protecting the whole Front, including the Badger, was to Hansjorg Wyss.
Jen Ferenstein, Kendall Flint, and Terry Tatsey toast the retirement with glasses that say “No Solenex.”
Drew Landry and friends provide fantastic music after the ceremony and at the close of the event.
An Incredible Canoe Raffle - Thank you Len!
Len Kopec built and donated this gorgeous, customized cedar strip canoe. This memory-making craft featured a grizzly bear in honor of GTMA’s log, plus a grizzly paw with bison horn inlay.
Craftsman Len Kopec primes the crowd ahead of the drawing. Over $10,000 in raffle tickets were sold!
Lucky winners Leslie and Carl Haggar take the new canoe for its maiden voyage on Lake McDonald.
A Fabulous Fall Gathering Auction & Fundraiser
Lou Bruno reclaimed his Huckleberry Pie Champion Baker title from Pat Hagan with the top-bid fetching pie.
Spectacular Sunday Adventures
Jack Gladstone of Blackfeet Headwaters Alliance, sang a pair of songs at the former proposed drill site on Hall Creek to celebrate the day and welcome in a new, more hopeful era for the land, wildlife, and people of this region.
Mary Ellen Little Mustache taught traditional Blackfeet Games on a hike to Running Eagle Falls.
Hikers on the South Fork Two Medicine loop enjoyed great early fall colors and camaraderie.
Thank You Event Sponsors!
Kate Sako
and Kendall Flint
Thank you Auction Donors!
Al Boy
Alea Avila
Andrea Morgan
Ann Barnett
Atina Diffley
Bill Cardin
Birds and Beasleys
Deva McKnight
Donna Shull
Falina Lintner
Far Country Press
Fred Wiggerman
Frank Vitale
Gina Rink
Gloria Brinkerhoff
Harriet Marble
J.L. Clark Gallery
Jo Slageter
Jen Ferenstein
Kathleen Schlabach
Callie Epstein
Larry Epstein
Len Kopec
Lou Bruno
Mariah Gladstone
M.E. Randall
Molly Protheroe
Nancy Ellis
Nicolle Fugere
Pat Hagan
Paula Craft
Rudy Strobbe
Linda Beischel
Terry Chase
Tracey Vivar
Roberta Rink
Rachael Nation
Steph LeGault
Wilbur Rehman
Thank You Volunteers!
We couldn’t have done this without you!
Brian Chaffin
MacKenzie Sachs
Devin Everett
Jackie Orange
Miki Flint
Judy Silver
Alida Wright
Kerry Nickou
Donna Shull
Jeff Van Tine
Natasha Bartha
Renee Metcalf
Sarah Zielke
Mira Sherburne
Lili Branch
Aven Branch
Lorraine Wikstrom
Plus our incredible Board!